Online Donation


Giving at NetworX has never been easier. We accept donations through bank card and also offer the option to setup automatically recurring payments.


Note: Only donations given to Global Care are tax-deductable.
If you have any further questions regarding tax on donations, please
contact us.


You can give at NetworX by placing cash, cheque, or a giving envelope into the offering bag. EFTPOS is available at the information table at the back of the auditorium.


Direct Deposit

Networx Church General

BSB: 704 024
ACC: 1000 0205

Networx Persian Church

BSB: 704 024
ACC: 1000 0973

Networx Global Care

BSB: 704 024
ACC: 1000 0324

Networx Building Fund

BSB: 704 024
ACC: 1000 0799

Networx Global Care/missions

BSB: 704 024
ACC: 1000 0324