The Helper Who Gives Gifts

Q: How does the Holy Spirit bring hope and help in times of suffering for those who cry out for Him? 

In crisis times, God’s presence is important. The Old Testament bears this out when Moses wouldn’t move on without Him. (Exodus 33:15) However, God’s presence is very real and able to be experienced today. His presence during worship can be extremely comforting during crisis. Another way to be comforted is by ‘speaking in tongues’; this is the Holy Spirit’s gift to us. It helps us intercede and express our heart when we don’t know how to pray in English. Tongues is a sign that His presence is within us.

God has a long-term view with His people. The presence of God in the midst of Israel’s wanderings in the desert was one of their nations amazing testimonies. Moses was said to know the ways of God, but Israel only ever saw His acts. (Psalm 103:70; Psalm 95:10) Moses was a great leader and in crisis, he simply went to God, heard from God and did what God said. In the midst of a crisis, he followed the Spirit. Romans tells us that “those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God” (Romans 8:14) God will eventually lead you not only out of your present crisis but into future blessing. Stay close to Him he is the only one who knows the way.

Ps. Peter Earle